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‘Urim’ Exhibition, Israel Museum, Jerusalem December 2005
Amitai Mendelson
The divine command “There shall be light…” demonstrates the Jewish paradigm that the world as we experience it has been created by words. If actual words made the reality, so the ‘light’, being a word, switched ON the light over the universe.
The Shadowatch™ is based on the concept that the creation of light has actually set the limits and direction of time. In that sense, the hands of the watch, represented only by their shadow, are the right metaphor for the creational beginning of light.
A large circular aluminum plate is floating over a wall. It is dotted with hundreds of holes in various sizes mapping the actual sky at night. The light in the middle is throwing shadows from the hands around the watch.
Size: 80cmX80cmX10cm
Materials: Aluminum, quartz light, strong watch mechanism.